If you want to have a Vertigo lamp but can’t afford to purchase it from an original manufacturer, there are replicas available online. The manufacturers of these replicas use the same craftsmanship and materials as the original, but sell them for much less than the original. These lamps are available in different sizes and colors, ranging from 80 to 200 cm in diameter. However, if you don’t want to pay that much for a replica, you can buy a Simiglighting replica for around half the price.
Vertigo lamps come in various sizes to fit your home decor needs. You can choose one that fits in the corner of your living room or choose one that adorns your bedside table. Their geometric or graphic design will add a modern touch to your room. You can also choose from the various colors and finishes that these lamps come in.
Vertigo lamps can be large or small in size, with varying finishes and colors. These lamps are very flexible and light-weight. Moreover, they are made with dynamic braces that will create an interesting shadow pattern when the light is on.
The Vertigo lamp is available in a wide range of colors. In addition to the usual white and black, there are a couple of other versions available. The models are suitable for both dark and light rooms. The bulbs used are also commonly available. These lamps are a great option for homes that want a beautiful and stylish lamp.
The Vertigo lamp is a large pendant lamp from the Petite Friture collection. It casts a beautiful graphic shadow pattern on the walls. The long ribbon-striped iron body creates a unique and intimate space in the room, despite its size. However, the Vertigo is best suited to rooms that have a more open plan.
The Vertigo lamp is a beautiful pendant light with an appealing design. Its polyurethane ribbon and fiberglass construction makes it lightweight. Its shade, which creates expressive shadows, will add an artistic touch to your room. You can install the Vertigo lamp in two different ways: by hanging it from the ceiling or from the walls.
Vertigo was designed by Michael Anastassiades. His philosophy is to preserve the inherent qualities of the materials that he uses. The Vertigo pendant lamp features a minimalist design with reserved lines. It features an integrated LED light source. It comes in two sizes and has a CE marking. To clean this pendant lamp, use white cotton gloves.
In 2013, a French designer launched the Vertigo lamp, which quickly won fans around the globe. Its hat-like shape makes it appear to dance with the breeze when a gust blows over it. Its smooth curves and light effects match the minimalist aesthetics of European design.
The Vertigo lamp is an excellent choice for any interior decor. Its charm and light form will captivate your guests. The lamp comes in several colors and sizes and is made of lightweight, durable polyurethane ribbon and fiberglass. Its light will create expressive shadows and will quickly become the centerpiece of your room. It has 150 cm of cords and is adaptable for use in the USA, UK, Europe, and Asia.
The Vertigo lamp is covered by a warranty for one year after purchase. During this period, the manufacturer will replace or repair your lamp free of charge if it has any defects. However, if you have rewired or altered your lamp, it will no longer be covered under the warranty.
The Vertigo lamp is an excellent way to enhance your home decor. This pendant lamp features a beautifully curved shade and a unique play of light. It is available in two sizes and several different finishes. It is highly versatile and is perfect for the kitchen, dining room or living room. Vertigo pendant lamp is also compatible with different types of lighting fixtures.